
苏格兰北大校友于文渊于2011年4月荣获第三届雅虎“重点科技挑战计划”项目的资助。雅虎研究院于2009年开始举办重点科技挑战计划(Key Scientific Challenges),旨在为研究因特网科技的博士候选人提供研究资金,获奖博士生将由雅虎研究团队担任其技术指导,每届该项目有20多名学生获得资助,并受邀参加雅虎总部举行的重点科技挑战计划高峰会。此次获得该项目资助的北大校友于文渊,中学时代就曾多次参加信息学奥赛和科技创新比赛,2005年凭借在全国青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛中的优异表现被保送到北京大学信息科学技术学院。2009年获取学士学位后受国家留学基金委资助,赴爱丁堡大学信息学院攻读PhD,师从爱丁堡信息学院首席教授国际知名数据库专家樊文飞教授。于文渊表示,这次获得资助离不开樊文飞教授的悉心指导和来自研究组的各位同事特别是马帅和汤南师兄的长期帮助。

信息学院的Peter Buneman教授称,这是第二次由非美国本土的学生获得该项目资助,第一次是由一名欧洲学生打破美国本土学生垄断该项目资助的惯例。虽然每年都会有一些学生获得该奖励, 但因为奖励对象针对的是非常广义的计算机科学领域(例如包括微观经济学和社会制度在内),所以这仍是一项非常值得肯定的成就。


Informatics PhD Wins 2011 Yahoo! Key Scientific

Challenges Program Award

Wenyuan Yu, a second year PhD student from School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, is declared winner of 2011 Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges  Program Award with $5,000 unrestricted research seed funding.

Yahoo started the KSC program from 2009. It aims at supporting PhD students working in fields that represent the future of the internet. Each year over 20 winners are selected from a wide range of areas of computing science following a rigorous selection process.

“I would like to thank Prof. Wenfei Fan for his extensive supervision, and my colleagues for their unfailing support, especially Dr. Shuai Ma. Without their help and support, I wouldn’t get this award.” Wenyuan said.

“This is only the second time the award has gone to someone outside the US, and the first time to someone in Europe,” according to Professor Peter Buneman of Informatics.

But the experience is not new for Wenyuan. His early interest in computing science had won him dozens of awards in China when he was still in high school. He was recommended to Peking University in 2005 for his outstanding performance in National Olympiad in Informatics. In 2009 he won a joint scholarship from the University of Edinburgh and China Scholarship Council for a PhD programme in the School of Informatics.

This news was written by Peking University Alumni Association in Scotland.

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